Gratitude is a practice. It is a way of life. Personally, it's a sacred practice. It is a prayer.
Gratitude is powerful. It has the power to change your life, most importantly, it changes you.
Gratitude is faith. Unwavering faith that even in the midst of hardship you can give thanks for the good that is already in your life. And it's giving thanks in advance for the blessings that you receive.
Gratitude is pervasive. It's contagious and spreads to all areas of your life and to everyone in your life. When you count your blessings, they multiply.
Gratitude is truth. It is a Knowing. A profound trust that all is well. It's a way of knowing God.
Gratitude is an intention. It's a choice to shift your focus. To be open and willing and always look for the good in your life and change your perception.
Gratitude is freedom. It's living your life knowing all is in Divine Order. Everything is already provided for you.
Gratitude is personal empowerment. It's discovering yourself. It's appreciating and accepting yourself. It's seeing yourself and others in a new light.
Gratitude is transformational. Simply said, gratitude changes everything.
In everything give thanks.
~I Thessalonians 5:18
Through my own Gratitude Practice, I have come to understand that life happens for you. This has been a remarkable shift in my awareness. Life does not happen to you... it happens for you.
Every challenge and difficulty has a hidden gift within it. Seemingly painful, distressing events in your life always have a blessing, a lesson, an opportunity to grow and to love in spite of what may seem in the moment. How can you give thanks for the difficulties that you experience? It's not about giving thanks for the experience but in spite of the experience, expressing heartfelt gratitude for the blessings that are to come from it... and the ones you already have.
Many of us have heard have an 'attitude of gratitude'. While this is true, I will add that true gratitude is more than an attitude.
True gratitude is Proactive Gratitude. It is an intentional, conscious and powerful practice. It's a dynamic way of life that celebrates life and God's abundant blessings and infinite possibilities no matter what outer appearances may be.
Proactive Gratitude is a new perception on life, an awareness that fills you with wonder and with a sense of purpose. It is thankfulness for the gift of simply being alive. It is a state of being.
How do you practice proactive gratitude? Here are four principles I go by:
Become conscious of the good in your life. We are showered with gifts, abundance and blessings that we sometimes take for granted because we so often focus on 'what's wrong' instead of all that is right and good. By shifting your focus and setting a conscious intention to look for the good in your life, you will open your awareness and attract more good into your life!
Celebrate the good in your life. Joyfully recognize and appreciate all your blessings with your thoughts, words and actions! Smile. Often. Life is good! Say it. Feel it. Say 'Thank You' to the Universe and say it often.
Share your good. Sharing is a way of expressing your gratitude and making a statement to the Universe that you have more than enough. Look for opportunities to give, serve and prosper others through love, time, appreciation, intention, gifts and money.
Look for the good in the negative. It may not be evident at first but everything in life is here to serve you. When you believe this Truth and shift your perception to see the good in every challenge, you call forth the blessing.
All things work together for good.
~Romans 8:28
Express your gratitude today by starting your own Gratitude Practice. Begin by creating a gratitude list. Examine your life closely- all areas of your life- health, finances, relationships, career, personal growth, creativity and self expression. Write down all the things that you notice and appreciate. Notice the simple things as well as the big things.
Try this 30 day challenge:
- Every evening- or morning, or both sit down for at least 5 minutes.
- Take out your journal and write down 3-5 things you appreciate. A warm cup of tea, your child's radiant smile, the exquisite smell of your favorite flower, a breathtaking sunset, cool blades of grass between your toes… you get the idea.
- Then write down 3 any things that grab your attention or come to mind and find what you appreciate about them.
With this practice, you're training your mind to look for things you appreciate AND appreciate everything you come in contact with.
This practice alone will dramatically shift your focus and awareness and awareness . Begin by noticing your breath and feeling your!
Share your experience with your own Gratitude Practice below 🙂
Count your blessings and always, always, always give thanks.
Thank you Friend!
Love and Gratitude,