This Agreement has the Power to Transform Your Life

This is the first in a series of posts on the book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. A must read that will change your relationship with yourself, with life and with others.

The first of The Four Agreements is Be Impeccable with Your Word:

*Speak with integrity.

*Say only what you mean.

*Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others.

*Use the power of your word in the direction of Truth and Love.

As simple as this first agreement may sound, I have found that it's the most challenging to honor. It's also the most powerful, so much so that it can completely shift your perception of yourself, the way you live and the choices you make.


It is transformational.

Let's delve a little deeper into the meaning of the word impeccable. According to Webster's, the word impeccable is from Latin pecatus, which means sin and im means without. Without sin. 

Don Miguel Ruiz explains "a sin is anything that you do that goes against yourself". Boom! I absolutely love this!


To me sin is error thinking or error doing. It's simply making a mistake that I can release as soon as I realize it's not serving me. It's about honoring myself and accepting full responsibility for my actions without judgement.

Words are powerful. They are creative force.

The power of your word is much more than just the expression of sounds and syllables. Words are so much more than a symbol or unit of language giving meaning to the things we say and write. 

Words, like thoughts, are energy. Intangible and unseen yet powerful and mighty to manifest in the physical and create your reality.

You have been given the power to create through every expression, be it thoughts, speech, emotions, actions and attitudes

You can intentionally use the energy of words to free you, to create something new and beautiful or unconsciously misuse them to keep you stuck in struggle and suffering.

Honoring this agreement and being impeccable with your word to yourself is enough to profoundly change your life.

This entire book is very personal to me and this first agreement shook the ground I stood on when I first read it 15 years ago.


I consciously realized for the first time ever how much I mistreated and betrayed myself. I understood how I was creating my life experiences simply by the way I was speaking to myself.

We treat ourselves and others, and allow others to treat us, according to the beliefs we have about ourselves.

If we can't keep our word to ourselves, be in integrity and honor ourselves, how can we then expect others to respect us?

As within, so without. The outer is a reflection of the inner.

Everything that you experience is a mirror of yourself, your words, your thoughts and feelings- your energy.

There is this tendency to want to improve, fix or change our circumstances by changing, controlling or blaming others. Yet at the very core of your experience is you.

You are the Center of your life. You are the Creator of your life.

Like the hub of a wheel, all the spokes are attached and radiate from that center. So it is with you life. All your experiences are directly connected to you.

Energetically, you call them into being. That which you declare over you and your life will inevitably come to pass. Be mindful of all that you decree upon yourself.

Realize the immense power that has been bestowed upon you. You have the power to choose differently and create intentionally! 

Are you willing to make a pact with yourself to Be Impeccable with Your Word? 

It's a moment to moment practice, cultivating self awareness and intention. I can honestly tell you that it's challenging yet rewarding and liberating.

Next week we'll talk about the second agreement: Don't Take Anything Personally.

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My Way to Freedom


This Agreement is Key to Your Personal Freedom